その昔、原型師として誰もが知るキャラクター達を立体におこし、グッズ化する仕事をしていました。ただひたすら作業台の前で彫ったり削ったり磨いたり・・・・・。 それが休みなく毎日続き、自分の手がただの立体製造マシンになっていることにストレスを感じてたある日。
「ちょっと息抜きに」とオリジナルのロボットを制作。 そうしたら大変!感情移入まっしぐら。次はイラストや絵本も描いてみたくなり、友達も作りたくなった。そのうち写真も撮りたくなり、インドアからアウトドアへ・・・とイメージが膨らみ、現在に至ります。
すべてはここから始まったという記念すべきロボット「Jupiter Dip」君です。

すずき ゆきひろ

I used to work as a professional sculptor, turning well-known 2D characters into three-dimensional
figures then selling them as goods. I sat in front of my desk day after day, around the clock carving,
scraping, and polishing. That continued without rest, and one day my hands had become like
machines with the only use being creating three dimensional character figures. I found myself very
stressed and I had come to a point where I needed a break. “For a change”, I thought, and started
making my original robots. I was astonishing. It was what I needed. I felt emotionally attached to
crafting the robots. I then grew a desire to draw and illustrate children’s books. Then, I wanted to
make friends and soon I wanted to take pictures. From indoors to out, my imagination continued to
expand. This picture displays “Jupitor Dip” the robot that changed everything.
His journey is yet to continue.                         Hiroyuki Suzuki
